Sundays in the Park with Oz

“Sundays in the Park with Oz” comprises four short 360 webisodes during which you’ll experience sitting in Culver City’s Carlson Park — the heart of Screenland — watching outdoor theatre with kids and families as they laugh, gasp and interact with the actors. The plays presented in the park use the conceit of theatre to journey through the history of cinema.

First up, “The Scarecrow and the Salesman” shows us what black and white silent films were like, evoking a favorite wizard of comedy, Charlie Chaplin.

Next, “The Way to Oz” introduces us to the “talkies” and lets us visit the heart of a movie studio in the years just before Wizard of Oz came out.

Third, “Toto Too” courageously shows us life-after-Oz from Toto’s perspective in dazzling “Technicolor”.

And wrapping it all up, “Lost in Screenland”, with its existentialist bent, brings us into present day as hipster characters examine the literal and metaphorical paths they find themselves on and question whether they should indeed follow.

In the end, this trip through film history is one you can take without ever really having to travel anywhere.