Welcome to The BizNest!
In Season One, when life-hacker Tim forgets his wallet and solicits money for lunch to avoid biking home, science-writer Kate decides she’ll stop at nothing to prevent Tim from being a lazy mooch.
And Donna has a story. And Uri. And Rebecca. And Wendell. Oh… and YOU have one, too!
To find out how to watch The BizNest (Season 1) in VR, visit TheLook.Club.
To experience The BizNest (Season 3) in real life Los Angeles in 2024, message our fearless leader.
This 360VR immersive sitcom, the world’s first, won DreamlandXR’s BEST PROJECT FOR TELEVISION at CES 2020. It was also honored at the Auggie Awards at the 10th Annual Augmented World Expo in Silicon Valley. The Handbook of Research on the Global Impacts and Roles of Immersive Media published a case study on the ground-breaking show. Additionally, creator Eve Weston has been invited to speak at tech conferences (VR AR Global, SIGGRAPH) on how this show paves the way for immersive narrative.
If you would like to watch The BizNest in VR and you either don’t have a VR headset or your headset doesn’t support our current distribution platforms, please contact eve at exelauno dot co to arrange a screening or private access.