I know it’s not easy for an audience to give a standing ovation.

There’s always a few people that don’t really wanna do it.

I’ve seen those people. They’re always like…

“Are we doing’ this now?”


So, anyway, I’m thrilled to be back here in New York.

I love how certain things about New York never change.

They’re always constant, they’re always there for you.

The cabbies and the BO.


What is with the BO and these guys?

How long are these shifts?

Can’t we get this man a ten minute break for a shower?

You’re in the back and it’s coming through the glass.

You’re just going: “What in the…”


Not only do they put that cherry pop-it stuff on the dashboard

so you get a cherry BO.

I don’t know what that’s supposed to be…

Even the fruit showers more often than this.

The funny thing about being in these cabs is that when you’re in Manhattan

for some reason you don’t get scared, no matter how fast the guy goes.


Well, you know, he’s driving fast and recklessly…

but he’s a professional.

He’s got a cab driver’s license, I can see it right there.

I don’t even know what it takes to get a cab driver’s license.

I think all you need is a face.

This seems to be their big qualification.

No blank heads are allowed driving cabs in this town.


Also helps to have a name with like 8 consonants in a row.

Did you ever see some of the letters in these names?

What is the “O” with a line through it, by the way?

What planet is that from?

You need a chart of the elements if you wanna report the guy.

“Yes, officer, his name was Amal and then the symbol for Boron.”

“No, it’s not Manganese. I had the periodic chart with me at the time.”